France (Français)
FR / fr
XLC Replacement Grip--Tape-Set convient pour PDC09/10
XLC Replacement Grip--Tape-Set convient pour PDC09/10
SKU : 2501851602
14,00 €
TVA incluse
Keep your feet planted firmly on your pedals with the XLC PD-X14 grip tape set for PD-C09/10 pedals. The original pedals have an anti-slip coating, which can be worn down over time, leading to slipping and instability as you pedal harder and shift your weight. Thankfully, the XLC PD-X14 grip tape can top up any areas of wear, leaving you good to pedal as hard as you like without slipping.
Points clés
- Spare set grip tape to fit XLC pedal PD-C09/10
Emballage du produit
Per Set
Modèle de l'article
Poids (g)
0 gr