démonte-cassette XLC TO-S12 avec poignée, pour cassettes Shimano HG

20,00 €

démonte-cassette XLC TO-S12 avec poignée, pour cassettes Shimano HG

SKU : 2503602000
20,00 €
TVA incluse


The XLC Cassette Removal Tool TO-S12 is an essential piece of kit for any home mechanic who needs to service Shimano-branded cassettes. This tool allows you to easily remove a Shimano cassette from your rear wheel, so it’s easier to clean and maintain, or simply so you can replace it with a brand new one. The extractor comes with a guide pin attached for safety and works perfectly in tandem with XLC’s own TO-S11 chain whip which can be purchased separately.

Points clés

  • Cassette remover


Modèle de l'article
Modeljaar 2007
Poids (g)
0 gr
Poids commercial
0 kg
Version du produit
Cassette met Pen